Social Media Can be a Great Tool to Get Views on Your Properties
Bringing new listings in front of the eyes of many is sometimes a tedious job. There are so many media platforms now it is hard to tell which ones are worth the time and effort to use and which ones are just a place where your link runs dry. Then once a profile is created and a link is built to your website or whatever you are promoting by joining maybe it will never even get indexed.
A good way to get Google or other search engines to notice articles is to add a photo. Photos can describe or showcase something inside of the ad that sometimes words just cannot encompass. Plus, a picture adds flair to any story because lets face it, everyone relates to the ideas a photograph holds.
For example when there is writing about waterfront home and the author mentions boat parking, he or she may say that the boat can be a yacht or 45 feet long. The reader relates much better to a photo like this one.

Now, doesn’t that make more sense to use a descriptive piece like this to add clarity to what is being discussed?
Another really great thing with writing is when words can be turned into keyword links. A writer can provide a word like Kotton Grammer Map location. Then link a map or article with the map to the words. Search engines will see the words and follow the links. Pretty nifty, right?
That can wrap up this session on SEO practices for today. Stay tuned for more information on some really fun things to try soon. Also, watch a great SEO property video from Youtube.